Yeah, right.
In my defense, it hasn't actually been 6 months, yet. OK, so it HAS been over 5 months. But it's not 6! So there! The good news is that if you're a regular follower of my blog (chirping crickets), it doesn't take too much time out of your busy schedule to keep up with me.
I know you've all been waiting with great anticipation to learn how things are going for me with the Primal Blueprint. (more chirping crickets) Perhaps not, but I'm going to tell you anyway.
What started as an experiment has quickly turned into a lifestyle. And not just for me. Ski (the hubby) hopped on the Primal bandwagon with me in March and we've both been amazed at the changes. We've both effortlessly lost 20 pounds so far this year! All with no hunger and no calorie counting.
We've had several friends and family ask about our food and activity choices. I've directed them to Mark Sisson's web site, but some have still asked for more specifics. Earlier this year Mark posted A Week in the Life of Mark Sisson to his blog. I'm going to attempt to do something similar, but not all in one post. For a while on a daily(ish) basis (or maybe once every 6 months, no promises) I'll blog about my food and activity choices and note how they fit in with the Primal Blueprint. The idea is to have someplace to point folks when they ask for more specifics about what I'm doing.
Today went like this:
Woke at 6am without the alarm.
Rewarded myself with a morning run.
2.5 miles of barefoot walk/run intervals at sunrise. Ahhh!
Refreshing glass of coconut water after my run.
I wasn't hungry for breakfast so I opted to skip the meal.
I did, however, stop for a small whole-milk latte on my way to the office.
Went out with coworkers to a typical American eatery (unusual for me). I ordered a large salad topped with shrimp but didn't realize that the shrimp would be breaded. I ate the salad veggies (it was a big salad and very yummy) and I ate a few of the small shrimp, picking off as much of the breading as I could manage politely with my fork.
Small handful (about 6) dark chocolate covered almonds
Cup of coffee with a splash of whole milk
Some storms rolled through in the early afternoon. Once the sun came back out I took a 10 minute break from work, went outside and splashed barefoot in some rain puddles. (Seriously!) I came back into the office feeling refreshed and better focused.
Scrambled farm fresh eggs with Fra'Mani Rosemary ham
Kale sauteed in bacon fat mixed with spinach and garlic sauteed in olive oil
Caprese salad (tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, garlic, olives with balsamic vinaigrette)
Glass of red wine (Evodia)
Sadly, I'm not much of a food photographer. Dinner was a lot more tasty than the picture suggests. It was a mix of home cooked food and take out from a local pizza place. The base of the caprese came from the restaurant to which I added sliced cherry tomatoes. The restaurant also provided the sauteed spinach and garlic. I cooked the kale and added it to the spinach. I also cooked the eggs and ham. The ham (and wine) came from Whole Foods. The other ingredients I prepared came from local, organic farms. (And, yes, red wine goes well with scrambled eggs -- but only at dinner, not breakfast!)
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